Author Archives: alex

Successful branching strategies and commit policies for SVN/GIT

I remember reading a CVS book back in 2002 or so. It had a quote saying “coding without a versioning system is like parachuting without a parachute”. I always liked this quote as it captured what an essential role version control … Read MoreRead More


Creating 360 panoramas using PtGui and Affinity Photo

Well, here is something I wanted to do for a long time: create my own surroundings. And the first step for this is of course to create a 360/180 panorama image to use as an env-map. After some unsuccessful first … Read MoreRead More

Switzerland reconstruction of postal code regions using Openstreetmap

Reconstruction of postal code areas using Openstreetmap

As a quick side project, I’ve started working on the problem that postal code area information in Openstreetmap is often insufficient. Why? Because it’s a nice show case of how flexible the Core SDK is, allows me to stress test the 2D … Read MoreRead More

Metashape Architecture Renderlayout

Explaining the Render Layout Sub-System in Core SDK

The render layout sub-system in Core SDK is one of its central features. It helps compose multiple views or multiple output displays to a single consistent layout and is one of the reason why the SDK is so versatile. But it … Read MoreRead More

Shield model with diffuse, normal and specular map

Normal and Specular Map Support

After adding FBX support the other week, there was yet another reason to finally add support for normal and specular maps. While it’s still not physically-based-rendering but a simple Phong lighting model, it’s still a nice improvement to the overall image … Read MoreRead More

FBX Import Test

Adding FBX Support

FBX has gotten quite a high adaption rate over the years. I had shied away from adding support for it because there is no official spec, only unofficial bits and pieces like the document the Blender foundation published a while … Read MoreRead More

Trac Logo

Setting up TRAC on macOS

For those who haven’t heard of it yet, TRAC is an open source combination of a ticket and a wiki system mixed with version control integration written in Python. It’s great for organising work especially in small to mid-size development teams … Read MoreRead More

Second update video on tessellation posted

The second instalment in the dev update videos has just been published. In the last couple of weeks, work has mostly been focused around improving the tessellation quality and algorithm robust with some nice results. ISO-lines are now weighted higher than … Read MoreRead More

Monthly Status Update Video

There hasn’t been much news lately as we have spent the time on improving tessellation quality and optimizing low-level NURBS functionality. So instead, here is the first in a monthly series of videos that will keep you in touch with … Read More

Sunglassed with and without ground shadow

Simple Ground Shadow Baking

Shadows add a lot of realism to renderings. After having done a lot of internal refactoring and ground work for future features, I wanted to add something that improves the image quality but doesn’t delay too much from the actual … Read MoreRead More