Author Archives: alex

X-Ray Shader Using Metal

While fake x-ray shaders are not very practical, they do look nice and are easy to implement. I did neither find a nice one I liked nor a good explanation, so here goes: The vertex program simple computes the screenspace … Read More

SRTM Elevation Data

I’ve been looking into free digital elevation models (DEM) and the source most mentioned is NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The resolution is roughly a data point every 30 meters which would have been fine for what I wanted … Read More

3Dconnexion Space Pilot Pro

Fixing MacOS Login Problems after 3Dconnexion Driver Installation

So I had a scary moment the other day: I hadn’t used my 3Dconnexion Space Pilot Pro in a while and suddenly had a need for it. For good measure, I thought: let’s update the drivers since it’s been a … Read MoreRead More

Multi-Body Mesh Editing

The Mesh-Editing Mode in Shapeflow3D finally comes to live! This is a major breakthrough that required a lot of work under the hood but opens up a lot of possibilities. Let me explain: … Read More

Compass Pro Holding an iPad Pro

On the Hunt for a Great iPad Pro Stand

MacOS Catalina will bring one feature I’m pretty excited about: Sidecar, the ability to use your iPad as a second screen. I’ve got this awesome iPad Pro that even neatly fits the screen of my MacBook Pro 13″ size-wise, but … Read MoreRead More

View Frustum Manipulation to Produce Overdraw

This one belongs to the chapter “it’s the small things that count”: On a number of occasions, the area of user input is not the whole render area – or in other words – the render area is larger than … Read MoreRead More

GLTF Material Editing

GLTF Support and Material Editing

Recently, I’ve spent some time improving the material system. The main motivation for this was to get support for Physical Based Rendering and importing files in the GLTF format. Here are the first results: … Read More

Shapeflow OSX Screenshot

Shapeflow Update

I haven’t written any updates on Shapeflow itself in a while. The problem with developing a framework instead of just an application is that one often has a long stretch where no real progress is visible in the user interface. … Read MoreRead More

Tabbed NSDocument-based macOS Rendering

Advanced NSView Setup with OpenGL and Metal on macOS

I have been tweaking the UI code for the macOS variant of Shapeflow over the last couple of days. It’s surprisingly difficult to get rid of all the kinks and quirks. Two interesting aspects were how to get on-demand rendering … Read MoreRead More

Update of SVN/GIT policies

Over the last couple of months, I got some great feedback on my article about SVN/GIT policies. How to use a VCS “correctly” seems to be a hotly debated topic in pretty much every company and there are lots misconceptions … Read More